Barritas de chocolate con relleno de crema de leche Kinder Chocolate 100 g.
- Description
- Ingredientes: Chocolate fino con leche al 40% (azúcar, leche entera en polvo, manteca de cacao, masa de cacao, lecitina emulsionante (soja), vainillina), azúcar, leche desnatada en polvo, grasa vegetal (palma), mantequilla anhidra, lecitina emulsionante (soja), vainillina. Alérgenos Contiene: Leche, Soja
- Legal note
We recommend that you always read the labels, warnings and instructions on the product packaging before using or consuming it, since you will be able to find more detailed and updated information about it.
- Important
- Mantener en lugar fresco y seco.